Weight Watchers Zero Points Garden Vegetable Soup ♥

Real Food, Fresh & Flexible. Year-Round Kitchen Staple. Great for Meal Prep. Low Carb. Low Fat. Weeknight Easy. Weight Watchers Friendly. Not just vegan, Vegan Done Real. Naturally Gluten Free. Whole30 Friendly.
Saturdays: They're my favorite day to cook, especially in winter. Most Saturdays, you'll find soup simmering on my stove, either for supper or the week ahead. This Garden Vegetable Soup is famous in Weight Watchers circles. To my mind, it deserves fame in wider circles for it's easy, it's delicious, it's healthful. There's some chopping involved but in a rush, frozen vegetables are perfectly acceptable. Saturdays, you'll find it on my stove.
Many Zero Point Soup Recipes from Weight Watchers

My Own Variations

Your WW Soup Variations!
So many readers make "their own" version of this soup. They're in the comments below, such good ideas, thank you! (I'll summarize for you here, because, really, who has time to wade through blog comments?) I'd love to know how you make the WW Garden Vegetable Soup, what you add or change to make this soup fit your taste and kitchen? Comments welcome! Help me build out this list of improvements and adaptations!

More Weight Watchers Resources
How to Eat More Vegetables For Everyone, Not Just Weight WatchersVegetable Recipes for Weight Watchers Vegetable Recipes, Zero, One and Two Point Recipes
Weight Watchers Points for Vegetables Updated for myWW
How Many Carbs in Vegetables? For Help Choosing Low-Carb Vegetables
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from Kitchen Parade
"... a tremendous hit! " ~ SusanV"... very tasty!" ~ ElectricVegan
"... even my husband loved it! " ~ Anonymous
"... with the rest of the tomato paste, pepper and about a 1/2 cup of salsa, YUM!" ~ Anonymous
"... took this recipe to a girls weekend at the lake and they loved it." ~ Anonymous
"... loved it so much, I had it for lunch and dinner." ~ GramaMolly
"... made the house smell delicious " ~ Michelle
"... this is a great recipe and well worth a try!!" ~ Anonymous
Hands-on time: 20 minutes
Time to table: 1 1/4 hour
Makes 9 cups
Time to table: 1 1/4 hour
Makes 9 cups
6 cups vegetable stock
Cooking spray
2 carrots, peeled and diced
1 large onion, diced
4 teaspoons garlic, minced
1/2 cabbage, chopped
1/2 pound frozen green beans
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon kosher salt plus more to taste
1 large zucchini, diced
Bring the broth to a boil in the microwave. (This is a time-saving tip that can be skipped if there's no hurry.)
Spray a Dutch oven with cooking spray and heat on MEDIUM HIGH. Add the carrots, onion and garlic and cook for about 5 minutes. Add all the remaining ingredients EXCEPT the zucchini and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce the heat to MEDIUM and simmer for about 15 minutes or until the beans are tender. Add the zucchini and cook until the zucchini is tender. Serve and enjoy!

One Pot for Soup, For Life
In my kitchen, three pots and pans get used nearly every day. A skillet. A saucepan. A Dutch oven. For soup, let's talk Dutch ovens. A Dutch oven is a large, sturdy pot so suited for soups, stews, chilis, even large roasts. The high-end versions are super pricey but with care, one pot will last a lifetime. And good news, especially on either side of Christmas, TJMaxx, Marshalls and HomeGoods often have a few pots for sale. Plus, the classic pots are so popular, other companies now produce more affordable pots.For beauty, there's nothing classier than an enameled cast iron Dutch oven from Le Creuset, that's the one in my photo at the top of this page. That red color is so pretty, even when I'm not cooking, I love to leave the pot on the stove for inspiration! What color would hang out in your kitchen? So many choices!
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If you're a Weight Watchers fan, you know how hard it is to cook AND count points. Now it's easy. Consider signing up for free e-mail notification whenever new recipes are published on A Veggie Venture (that's this food blog about vegetables) and Kitchen Parade, my food column. ALL NEW RECIPES INCLUDE WEIGHT WATCHER POINTS – Old Points, PointsPlus, SmartPoints, FreeStyle and the myWW rainbow of green, blue and purple!Sign up for
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More Zero-Point Recipes
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~ Slow Cooker Vegetarian Lentil Sloppy Joes ~
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~ Quinoa & Black Bean Salad ~
~ Scandinavian Split-Pea Soup ~
~ Squash & Carrot Stew ~
~ more Weight Watchers recipes ~
from Kitchen Parade, my food column
Looking for healthy new ways to cook vegetables? A Veggie Venture is home to hundreds of super-organized quick, easy and healthful vegetable recipes and the famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables. Join "veggie evangelist" Alanna Kellogg to explore the exciting world of common and not-so-common vegetables, seasonal to staples, savory to sweet, salads to sides, soups to supper, simple to special.
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© Copyright Kitchen Parade
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Hi Alanna,
ReplyDeleteI just sent the link to this post to Sam at Becks & Posh. You may or may not know that she recently joined WW and is blogging all about it. Great to see that you have all kinds of yummy WW recipes already on file. Should save her some time in the kitchen! : )
Hi Alanna--I made this last night, and it was a tremendous hit! I'm about to write about it in my blog, so check there later today.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great recipes.
Hi Alanna...odd for me to write that since it's my name with an added "n"...but I digress...
ReplyDeleteThe reason why it's zero points is that these particular veggies do have calories...but with these veggies your body burns more calories digesting them than are in them. Voila! You probably knew that...but I thought I'd clarify, having been a WW instructor at one time. You could add any summer squash to the soup, or asparagus, mushrooms...those are all the zeros too.
How much weight have you lost on this Vegetable soup. I plan to by the stuff tonight, but I need to know if this is all you have at.
ReplyDeleteAny information would be wonderful.
Thank You
Hi ShopGirl ~ Weight Watchers doesn't work like fad diets (say the Cabbage Soup Diet) where you eat only one thing. So this soup would be one option in a complete balanced menu. If you're looking to lose weight, I do encourage you to find a local Weight Watchers location and join. That way, you can re-learn how to think about 'what' and 'how much' you eat to lose and then maintain a healthy weight. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWeight Watchers just published three new variants on their veggie soup just this week! There an Asian variant, a Mexican one, and I think an Italian :-)
ReplyDeleteI've long been a Veggie Venture fan, but I had not noticed the WW recipes until recently when I joined the plan. Your recipes are a great help to me!
be care full on the soup! I gained a pound yesterday eating it!!!!
ReplyDeleteAre you sure it was that, Anonymous? :-) Even if you ate the whole pot, it's only 10 points!
ReplyDeleteThis was very tasty! Thanks a lot. I added a bay leaf, but that's the only change I made.
ReplyDeleteYummy, I cooked it last night, even my husband loved it! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAlanna, What a great web site. I happened upon it by accident. I'm a life timer with Weight Watchers but lost my garden vegetable soup recipe. (I need to drop about a pound.) I Googled "WW garden veg soup recipe" and got your site. How lucky I am.
ReplyDeleteI quickly joined to have emails sent. I look forward to your wonderful recipes.
I stumbled onto your site this morning looking for the Weight Watchers 0 point soup:) We are a mostly healthy eating family, always looking for new vegetable recipes. The addition of your Weight Watchers Point Values to familiar and new favorites will assist me as a try to get back into my skinny(er) summer clothes. Thanks so much!! Your references and visuals of the Kirkwood Farmer's Market especially made me smile, as it's not far from my Glendale home:)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!! I am THRILLED to have found your site.
Mad this recipe before as this is my second go-round with WW. I didn't care for it much last time, and this time wasn't much different....until I added: the rest of the (sm) can of tomato paste, pepper, and about a 1/2 cup of salsa. YUM!
ReplyDeleteWhere did the 701 mg of sodium come from in only 1 cup of soup!? The broth certainly can't have THAT much sodium!
ReplyDeleteHmm. I've since switched systems for nutrition analysis but my guess is that the sodium count comes from the selected vegetable/chicken broth. THAT said, salt is an important component of making these soups taste good --
ReplyDeleteI want to like this soup, I really do... but for me it has a harsh, almost metallic aftertaste. I tried the 1 point version from Alanna's sister, and to me it was about the same. I've tried using home-made chicken broth rather than canned, fresh tomatoes rather than the paste...any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteHi ACR, you've given it a game try, for sure. Maybe this just isn't your recipe? Try the Low-Fat Vegetable Soup from Kitchen Parade, I think it has more nuance and texture.
ReplyDeleteblogkitten, believe it or not...
ReplyDeletethe first time I made this I looked at the sodium listed on the label of "regular" fat free broth and about fainted. get low fat AND low sodium for sure.
also you can change up the spices - I like parsley better than basil and thyme.
Thank you Alanna for the veggie soup.. I am a lifetime Weight Watcher. I have gained about 10 pounds and plan to find my way back to my goal weight by using high fiber veggies.. I remember the lost 'Cabbage Soup' recipe and always loved it. Am just the luckiest gal in the world to, quite by accident,jdw find your site. My pot is on the stove already cooking.
Just took this recipe to a girls weekend at the lake and they loved it. I did use chicken stock instead of Veg. but that was the only change. I'm making it again and adding a little cut up chicken to make it more of a meal for my husband. It's certainly healthier than what we usually have for dinner.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused. About the "Weight Watchers Zero Points Garden Vegetable Soup", why is it that some people are talking about it being zero points and others are talking about it being 10 points for the pot? At the end of the receipe it says it's one point. Please clarify.
ReplyDeleteSusan ~ Hi, you are maybe new to Weight Watchers? If so, welcome, at first all the point business is a little confusing.
ReplyDeleteFirst, it's important to know that all nutrition estimates just that, estimates. They are MUCH better than no information at all but they are not exact, they're just good guesses.
Have you seen the studies that look at packaged food and compared the actual nutrition of a particular dish (doing the measurements in a scientific lab) versus the nutrition label: they're often way off, both directions.
The same thing is true at home. Let's say your onion is a little bigger, your carrots a little smaller, your cabbage a little bigger, etc. Let's say your bowl holds 1.1 cups. All these things will make a difference.
That's one set of differences. The other is a mathematical question, how the source numbers are calculated/used and how they're rounded. I'm in the middle of auditing the Weight Watchers points here on my two websites and am finding a point difference on some recipes, both up and down, depending if I rounded the source nutrition information or if I didn't. In addition, some WW calculators seem to always round down (up to about .8) and that, I think, is deceiving so I'm fixing them.
Another thing that makes a difference is how big your portion sizes are. That's why some times people will make a recipe and then say the "whole recipe" is so-many points, then they divide it among however many servings they decide it is. That's works for them, but not for me. On my websites, I have nearly 1500 recipes that use the same portion size so that it's easy to make an apples-to-apples comparison of the volume consumed to the calories consumed. So a portion of soup is always 1 cup. A portion of meat is always based on 4 ounces of uncooked meat. A serving of vegetables always starts with 1/4 pound of vegetable per person. I don't question if you'll eat one or two cups of something, not my business. But I am trying to teach myself (and others) about healthy portion sizes and my way to accomplish that is to stick to certain volumes.
So what I think you'll learn, as I did, is to use the Weight Watchers point system as a guide, a great starting point, but not to obsess whether the specific values are right on, or not, ESPECIALLY for what is obviously a low-calorie healthful soup or salad or whatever.
I hope this long explanation helps. Good luck with Weight Watchers, it really does teach us how to eat well, not too little, definitely not too much!
Thank you so much for posting this recipe... it's similar to an old favorite and we lost the recipe card for it. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteDear Alanna, I just found your sight and am excited to try all. I was sick for about 10 days and a friend's mother sent this soup over for me. I loved it so much, I had it for lunch and dinner. Can't wait to sign up for you news letter and try more. I live alone (widow) so don't cook often, like I used to. But now am going to try some of these healthy, good sounding dishes. Thanks again, it's nice to have someone to guide me and share receipes with. Molly
ReplyDeleteHi Molly, So nice of you to write! I know this is a really good soup but who knew it had medicinal powers? You might like some of the recipes in Cooking for One or Two, with any luck, they'll inspire you to head back into the kitchen once in awhile! Be well!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great soup and made the house smell delicious I also added some Butternut Squash ..pretty good..i actually took this to subway with me tonight and my daughter said Mom you are so embarassing..lol
ReplyDeleteI am not on weight watchers, but I love this recipe. The cabbage adds such great texture- and its easy to make with a few common ingredients. For extras I like to add a can of kidney beans and a packet of chicken stock base (I don't often have vegetable stock in my apartment). Tonight I also had leftover spicy italian sausage, so I chopped that up and put it in. When I don't have cabbage I substitute with a pack of frozen spinach- which is good too! Just yummy all around- you can't go wrong!
ReplyDeleteThe soup is only considered 1 point if you only eat one serving. In WW, just because something is zero points, doesn't mean you can eat all you want without counting it. For example, a small can of spinach is 0, but a large can in one point.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to know about this! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteA few years ago when I was on WW, I used this soup as something to hold me over. I would eat this soup when I was out of points for the day and got hungry. I would sometimes eat it for lunch with a few slices of whole wheat bread (the serving size for the bread was 3 slices for 1 pt)
ReplyDeleteThis soup made WW so easy because I was never hungry.
I must admit I did cheat my way through WW, I didn't exactly eat the healthiest foods, but I did lose 50 pounds, so I was doing something right.
Well, a few years later, I just found out I gained about 9 pounds in the last 6 months after keeping the weight off all that time. So, here I go back to the soup and the watching what I eat. This soup is going to help me kill off those 9 pounds plus more (I only weigh 124 pounds at the moment, so I don't have too much to go)
Blogkitten--Canned tomato products have quite a bit of sodium in them. Not to mention the tsp of Kosher salt. Swanson makes a no-sodium chicken broth---love it!!! But this is a great recipe and well worth a try!!
ReplyDeletethere are many no sodium added tomato products out there now I buy them all the time Hunts and even Walmarts brand have no sodium added ;o)
ReplyDeleteJust re-started WW and wanted to make this soup from years ago. Thanks for having the site!
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ReplyDeleteI found you many years ago and this has been my go-to soup recipe since then. I add Pace Picante sauce instead of tomato paste and I add broccoli. I love it! Thank you!