Four Seasons of My Favorite Herb

The rhythms of food blogging are fascinating. Time and again, we hear:
  • "It started as a lark, then it took on a life of its own."
  • "I started a blog to organize my recipes, then discovered the world of food blogs."
Both could apply to Weekend Herb Blogging, whose first anniversary is being celebrated this week at Kalyn's Kitchen. Stop in to chuckle over the first lark-ish weeks, then see all the nationalities represented in Week 51. And for Week 52, you play too, even if you haven't before, for the anniversary.

It's an herb party! And all the guests are unveiling their favorite herbs, which with all due respect to Kalyn, to my mind is as impossible as naming a single favorite pie, cookie or yes, vegetable. It depends on the day, the season, the mood. Who'd give up summer's sweet basil for winter's rosemary? Who'd pick only tarragon or dill or thyme for fish? Who'd forgo the sweet specialness of lavender for the everyday-ness of ......

Hmm. The everyday-ness. Suddenly I knew, no question, no debate.

Hello, my name is Alanna and my favorite herb is the chive.

Yes, the lowly chive, it's my choice for my deserted-herb-island even if it's always last on ingredient lists, even then, usually 'optional'. Four seasons a year, I step outside just before supper to snip off a few strands for a salad, for a soup, for potatoes, for meat, for dessert ... well, not dessert, not yet anyway. And here's a lovely little salmon chowder topped with those few snips.

Congratulations, Mz Kalyn ... it's remarkable, really,
how Weekend Herb Blogging started as a pet-less lark, then, with a life of its own, has come to represent the creativity and community of the world of food blogging.

(c) Copyright 2006 Kitchen Parade
Alanna Kellogg
Alanna Kellogg

A Veggie Venture is home of "veggie evangelist" Alanna Kellogg and the famous asparagus-to-zucchini Alphabet of Vegetables.


  1. Thank you so much. You've done a great job capturing what I had hoped the event would be. I know it's impossible to choose. But forced choices can be very interesting. I had an herb in mind I thought would win,hands down, but so far the responses are quite varied. Your vote for chives is duly recorded!

  2. Chives have great flavor for what they are :)

  3. Yes indeed, chives are wonderful. I particularly like snipping the flowerettes from the flowers and using them to garnish fish or scatter in a salad... mmm, or how about chives scattered on hollandaise?


  4. Alanna you might make me attempt to use my underappreciated lowely chive. I keep it because it was the first thing I remember growing from seed and it has survived for 3 years.

  5. Yes! Potato soup without chives wouldn't ever be the same.

  6. Kalyn ~ It'll be interesting, seeing how it tallies out. Maybe I should start a campaign for chives ...

    Jeff ~ For what they are? What? You don't appreciate the lowly chive?

    E ~ yes the flowers are so pretty ... the purple ones in spring but also, just a month ago, tall Queen Anne's lace looking ones from garlic chive in a big pot on the patio.

    Chrispy ~ Three years! Is it root bound? I moved a big pot that had been growing for at least three years into the ground and separated it into about a half dozen individual plants that are now thriving ...

    Karina ~ So nice to have you really back, your cucina is magnificant ...

  7. Chives are wonderful in potato salad!! I grow bunch of them every summer!!
    Btw,your Pepper Steak & Mushrooms looks yummy!!

  8. What is this "herb blogging" reference I'm seeing everywhere today? (And how do I join in?!) I just blogged about saffron without even knowing there was a herb theme going around. :)

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  9. I love chives, as much because they are the first herb to bloom in my garden as for the taste. The salmon chowder looks divine (I'm a big fan of the fat-free half 'n half, too); fresh fennel bulb and salmon are such a wonderful pairing. Thanks for the recipe.

  10. Alanna, I have divided it many times and go through and pull out the dried up shoots. A friend moved into town and I gave her some in a bake potato pot and have passed on other parts to friends but I just can't seem to like using it.

  11. Oh, I wish I could say what my favourite herb is:( I'm afraid I'm polygamous - I cannot choose between dill, lemon balm, chives, mint, basil ... eh? Ooops;)

  12. Do the garlic chive flowers have the same flavour as garlic chives?


    P.S. My regular chives and garlic chives are JUST holding on and neither flowered this year at all. I'm so embarrassed....

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Hi Elizabeth ~ I can't say on the taste of the flowers, I suspect that the chive flowers may not be edible. They emerge from tall sturdy stems, two feet or more. And honestly, they're too pretty and showy to cut! Next year I plan to put in a few plants in another garden, just for the flowers!

  15. I agree that garlic chive flowers are beautiful. Our garlic chives flowered a couple of years ago and I was delighted. (I couldn't bear to cut them to eat either - and I really wanted to get the plant established too.)

    I'm thinking that the flower must be edible. I wouldn't bother with the stem though. Because you're right, both the stem of regular chive flowers and garlic chive flowers are awfully tough.



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Thank you for taking a moment to write! I read each and every comment, for each and every recipe, whether a current recipe or a long-ago favorite. If you have a specific question, it's nearly always answered quick-quick. ~ Alanna